April 18th flight from New Orleans, LA to Corpus Christi, TX

This was by far the most technically challenging flight leg I have ever flown.

Allan and I were stuck overnight in New Orleans during French Quarter Weekend. We made the best of it :-) and then woke up early in the a.m. to check flight weather and check our feelings about this leg.

The main problem was a huge storm over Texas, pretty much running north to south, with severe thunderstorm activity along with hale and possible tornadoes. No big deal…NOT!

I took 3 weather briefings and decided we could out run the storm by flying south to Corpus Christi by hugging the coast a little off into the gulf. I then had Allan receive his own briefing to double check me.

We had plenty of fuel so we knew we could if necessary turn around or fly into Mexico as a last resort.

I’ve included the photo shots of our MFD of the storm we were flying through. If you look closely you can see our magenta line course and a little representation of Miss Behaving’ heading east into the Gulf of Mexico to avoid the lighting and cumulnimbus clouds.

Weather 4

More pics:

Skirting storm in the Gulf of Mexico

Skirting storm in the Gulf of Mexico

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Getting around the last of the storm to Corpus Chrisi, TX

Getting around the last of the storm to Corpus Chrisi, TX